
Ugh, I'm feeling like a giant pile of crap. Or like Jeff said on Curb Your Enthusiasm last night (in a different context), "a big bowl of wrong". Nothing major, just slept late Saturday, spent the afternoon and evening out at a friend's house, stayed up till 5AM running our end-of-month processes (still better working from bed than from the office), slept till noon on Sunday, spent the day laying around feeling like crap, took some sleeping pills to get a good night's sleep and passed out blissfully right after Curb. Then, at 2:30AM, MY FUCKING PAGER GOES OFF AGAIN!!! Website's down, so had to spend 20 minutes figuring it out, and then found something ELSE that was messed up from earlier in the day, had a little heart attack and spent another 30 minutes fixing that, so there goes an hour of sleep, plus another 30 minutes to relax and fall back to sleep. Today at work was okay, thought I finally was back to normal, and then when I got home, reached in the fridge to get the flaxseed for the dogs' dinners (yes, we put flaxseed on our dogs' food, along with olive oil--makes for healthy poop!), and WHACKED my head on the freezer door standing up, enough to make me a little dizzy. And of course, I ate too much of our yummy Thanksgiving leftovers, so now I feel full and bloated. I just hope a) I don't get paged again tonight, and b) I feel better tomorrow. Going to the gym will help.

Just finished watching Wife Swap, and surprisingly, was not horribly offended by the "Christian" family. It was a pastor and his wife swapping with an atheist radio show host and his atheist wife. And shockingly, the Christians were actually, well, Christian. What I mean is that they said, several times, that they respected the other family's choice to be atheist, acknowledged that they cannot and should not try to convert them, and preached to their flock (flock--silly word) that being Christ-ian, ie. like Jesus, means loving your neighbor regardless of their beliefs. HOLY CRAP!! I mean, if all Christians were like that, maybe I'D even consider being one. Okay, probably not, but I wouldn't fear them like I do. THAT'S what's so frustrating about the trend in our current theocracy--it's become extremely easy and convenient to forget about what Christ actually taught, and focus on what's in the Bible that serves people's personal moral agendas. I would be all in favor of letting people believe what they believe, as long as they were as accepting of what I believe (or don't) and what everyone else believes. So props to Pastor Stonerock from tonight's episode (couldn't find a good link for it) for being a good Christian and giving me a chance to actually respect a man of faith. And also to Amber (the atheist's wife) for reaching out to the Stonerocks' niece, who had come to live with them, the only girl among 4 boys, and showing them what they should be doing to make that little girl feel accepted.
I think I'll stop now since I'm finding my mind wandering, and Dr. Phil is showing some really fucked up people who tricked their spouses into getting pregnant or got knocked up without telling their partner, etc.