03 November 2005

Something to Feel Good About

Lest my blog become one giant negative suckpit, I'm posting something one of my employees forwarded me (thanks Pat!), because it's just too heartwarming not to pass on. In case I haven't mentioned it, I love my animals, as well as everyone else's. And I love seeing other people rescue animals--there's nothing like giving a home to a dog or cat (or whatever!) that doesn't have one. Believe me, we've done it 6 times now, and they really do know what you've done for them. I can feel their gratitude, and there's nothing like it.

So these are some pictures from someone doing animal rescue down in the Gulf region following Katrina. Not sure exactly who or where, but it doesn't really matter. I'm paraphrasing the captions that came in the email--no offense to whoever wrote it, but lame captions really bother me, only slightly less than scrapbooks with stickers and cute little quotes coming from the people in the pictures.

Anyway, so it starts with this adorable little puppy, who someone had taken in after he was separated from his owners, but couldn't keep any longer. So these rescuers took him with them.

Then the rescuers came to this house, totally destroyed, and found this poor little beagle either inside or nearby who'd managed to survive that destruction.

She reminds me of our little Lady. And just like our little girl, she quickly made friends with her new traveling companion, as most dogs do.

Then they found two more beagles, who of course were thrilled to join the party.

The final, and possibly most controversial addition, was a pretty orange kitty.

But fortunately, nobody seemed to have an issue with that.

I hope all these animals have either been reunited with their original people, or have been placed in good homes, hopefully some of them together.

If anybody reads this, I can't stress enough how important it is for us to stop BUYING pets and start rescuing the ones who need homes. Yes, all dogs and cats are cute and lovable, but paying hundreds of dollars just because you a puppy who's a certain color or looks a certain way is exactly why there are so many homeless animals. It's so shallow and selfish to make an animal some sort of fashion accessory--how could you possibly say you wouldn't love some mutt from the shelter as much as some puppy from the breeder? Would you love your kid less if he were ugly? Doubt it.

And when you rescue an animal and open your home to them, they never forget it. Oh, they may try your patience anyway, but they always remember that you saved them. I love telling people what my wife said to our little Lucy the day she found her on the street looking all raggedy and hungry and tired. She scooped her up and put her in the backseat and said "Don't worry, sweetie, I promise this is the worst you'll ever feel". And I know that Lucy is grateful to us every day for bringing her into our home.

And one final thing--please get your pets a friend. No pet should live alone. Dogs are pack animals, and with some rare exceptions, they thrive with a friend or two. Our three are totally unrelated but are inseparable. And your kitty will be much happier with a friend to play with. We always thought Bella was a loner, happy to be the lone cat in the house, but having Chia join us brought out a whole new side of Bella and really gave her energy and youth back. So the more the merrier.


At 03 November, 2005 11:15, Blogger diana said...


Those babies!!!! They MELT me!!!
and the kitty - how she just snuggled right in with all of them.... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Would be great if they all stayed together, but.. thank DOG for those rescuers down there. If there IS a heaven, THEY are for sure going to it.

And, I Heartily second your "no pet store babies"....
The ones already born and in there DO need a good home, but as long as there is a demand, they will find a way to keep the supply up.
Do people really never wonder WHERE those pups come from?? Or WHY they cost so much????
They just readily Trust the people who are selling them, the people who are MAKING A LOT OF MONEY FROM SELLING BABIES???!!!!!

After our Max, and now Lady, I'm thinking we'll always have to have a Beagle now. They ARE noisy, but, Gawd - those faces!! And just like Schnauzas, they Are personality plus!

I think your love of animals may be the Biggest thing I love about you, hon. ....well maybe not the Biggest ;)

*mwah* baby

At 04 November, 2005 20:42, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You two are amazing people. The world would be a far better place with more like you.


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