20 September 2005

Flotsam and Jetsam

I was going to title this "Random Shit that pisses me off", and then it was just going to be "Random Shit" so I could include things I like too, but then I thought that I don't want to create a pattern of cursing in my titles (just in my posts). So I went with an somewhat overly clever reference to, well, random shit, which also happens to be a chapter title in The Two Towers (now my favorite book).

Anyway, I don't feel terribly organized tonight, and there's nothing big enough going on to give me focused rage, so I didn't want to try putting together anything coherent.

Stuff that pisses me off

  • People who "amble"--if you don't want to walk quickly somewhere, especially in public, get off to the side. Or if you're going to walk slow, walk slow enough that I can pass you without having to be dramatic about it. What's with this "getting your stroll on"? Is it because your pants are around your knees, or is it just cool to look lazy?
  • The fact that we're stuck with two FiendSheep at the end of Big Brother 6
  • Humidity--nuff said
  • People who walk into my office and start talking to me without asking if I have a minute. My door is only open because it's too warm in my office!
  • Radio personalities who try SO hard to be too cool for school. The "entertainment" reporter on the alt-rock station I listen to made such efforts to make sure we knew that SHE didn't like any of this stuff she was reporting on--none of the top 5 movies were anything she'd see, she didn't care about so-and-so being in a movie, blah blah freakin' blah. If you don't like something, just say that it's not for you and shut the fuck up. You don't need to belittle things other people like or prove that you're better than that. Because in 10 years, you'll be just like me, little girl, watching and listening to whatever you like, or else you'll be one of those insufferable snotty old broads who wear all black and look down their nose at everything.
  • People who don't like dogs and cats. You just know that means they must be awful people inside.
  • Not being able to hit a golf stroke the same way twice in a row. One shot is a perfect parabola and the next one is a pitiful shank that goes into the woods.
  • People who read my blog and never comment. At least take a second to call me an asshole.

I started to do "Stuff that Doesn't Piss Me Off", but it was taking too long, and it wasn't going to be terribly interesting. Sure, I could do the obvious stuff--my wife, my dogs and cats, Family Guy, Foo Fighters, The Daily Show, but all that's too easy. It's more fun to just rant and rave about the stupid things.


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