More Douchebags
This guy doesn't deserve a full spot in the Hall of Douchebags, especially since I still don't know his name. But the anchor who was on CNN this afternoon was really pissing me off. He's a somewhat balding black guy who I'd never seen before, and hopefully won't see much of again. His first offense was in interviewing some woman who was stuck somewhere in Louisiana, and even though I missed the very beginning of the interview, I don't think there was a point. But the annoying part was when she was becoming more and more desperate and saying how she had nothing and no one was helping, and this moron kept saying to her, "Don't you have some relatives you could go to? Isn't there someone who could help? How about FEMA?" She said she gave her name and information to FEMA, but nothing came. "Well, keep thinking, stay positive, keep thinking about who might be able to help you." She was crying at this point, trying to get the message across that she had nothing and no one. "Don't you understand, I'm trying to help you." was his last response.
Look fucker--you're supposed to be a journalist, reporting the story. It's not your job to try to help this woman, especially when you have nothing to offer. Telling her to keep thinking is not helping--it's just reminding her that she has nothing and no one.
Later on in the day he argued with some other "expert" about the wisdom of using domed stadiums as emergency shelters (like the Superdome). I think it's pretty obvious that the problem with the Superdome was that they didn't expect to lose plumbing and electricity--with that intact, it would have been much better. But this nitwit actually said "I don't really have a problem with using stadiums, but I have a bit of a problem with the closed-in roof and how it feels like a tomb".
This douche doesn't seem to realize that his job is to be a journalist. An anchor, at least not a junior one like him, shouldn't have an opinion. And worse, his opinion showed his ignorance, that he had no idea what that poor woman was going through. It was inconceivable to him that she didn't have resources or relatives with a place for her to stay. He's probably one of those people who's saying "Why didn't they just drive out of town"?
So he deserves a mention in the Hall of Douchebags, but not a full spot, since my hope is he'll disappear from the air very soon.
Speaking of which, Larry King has got to go. Three hours of him tonight was more than anyone should have to bear (I did NOT watch, but I was aware of it and saw a snippet, enough to pain me). He is so out of touch, inappropriate, and generally incompetent, that it is absolutely time to pull the plug. In his "prime" 10 years ago, he was comical at best--now, he's just useless, and to let him talk to people in the midst of a tragedy like this is criminal. It's insulting to those people, and it's insulting to us. Larry, you'll always have a spot in the Hall.
Look fucker--you're supposed to be a journalist, reporting the story. It's not your job to try to help this woman, especially when you have nothing to offer. Telling her to keep thinking is not helping--it's just reminding her that she has nothing and no one.
Later on in the day he argued with some other "expert" about the wisdom of using domed stadiums as emergency shelters (like the Superdome). I think it's pretty obvious that the problem with the Superdome was that they didn't expect to lose plumbing and electricity--with that intact, it would have been much better. But this nitwit actually said "I don't really have a problem with using stadiums, but I have a bit of a problem with the closed-in roof and how it feels like a tomb".
This douche doesn't seem to realize that his job is to be a journalist. An anchor, at least not a junior one like him, shouldn't have an opinion. And worse, his opinion showed his ignorance, that he had no idea what that poor woman was going through. It was inconceivable to him that she didn't have resources or relatives with a place for her to stay. He's probably one of those people who's saying "Why didn't they just drive out of town"?
So he deserves a mention in the Hall of Douchebags, but not a full spot, since my hope is he'll disappear from the air very soon.
Speaking of which, Larry King has got to go. Three hours of him tonight was more than anyone should have to bear (I did NOT watch, but I was aware of it and saw a snippet, enough to pain me). He is so out of touch, inappropriate, and generally incompetent, that it is absolutely time to pull the plug. In his "prime" 10 years ago, he was comical at best--now, he's just useless, and to let him talk to people in the midst of a tragedy like this is criminal. It's insulting to those people, and it's insulting to us. Larry, you'll always have a spot in the Hall.
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