04 September 2005

The Other Side

Looking at my SiteMeter, it seems like most people are finding this blog randomly as the "Next Blog" link on Blogger, as opposed to actually looking for it. Which is fine. Of course, Anika's been back at least twice, and my faithful employee "FedHater" seems to be checking in periodically. So maybe eventually I'll find an audience here--as much as I'm enjoying just letting things flow here, it does matter a bit to know that someone's reading it.

Anyway, as much as my thoughts have focused on the disaster this week, I like most other people have allowed my attentions to become dominated by lots of other, more trivial things. As much as I'd sometimes love to remain high-minded and focus all my energy on things of consequence, I am a child of the 80s, my attention span is short, and I love me some pop culture and TV. So with that said, I will make no future apologies for the jarring shifting of gears when I jump from serious to pointless subject matter--after all, I think one's blog should mirror one's thoughts.

As much as I'm enjoying my Labor Day weekend, I find myself a little blus knowing that another summer of Big Brother is drawing to a close. DW and I have been pretty much hooked since Season 2, and watched the live feeds a lot in Season 3, but this year has re-energized us after a couple of less-than-compelling years. I was skeptical when I first saw the cast, but the couple of interesting personalities, and the dramatic split of sides this season has made it quite enjoyable. And frankly, I wanted something to root for, to get involved in. Since the Giants suck this season, and the Dolphins have sucked for a while, I'd forgotten how much fun it is to get all anxious waiting for your team to win, and that thrill when they do or the letdown when they don't. Vicarious adrenaline is cool.

Anyway, in case anyone else is a watcher, DW and I are definitely on the Sovereign Side--we loved Kaysar (for different reasons), we think Howie is a hoot, and Janelle is just the best (again, for different reasons). The Nerd Herd is such a hypocritical, annoying bunch of self-righteous bores, that I can't see how you can possibly root for them. Unfortunately, they're probably going to win the money, but ultimately, Kaysar and Janie and Howie will get much more out of the experience and make nice careers for themselves a la Marcellas.

For those who don't see the appeal, what I most enjoy about following this show all summer is the sense of immersion. Yes, it's silly, and the competitions are stupid, and frankly if I only watched the show on TV, I would think it was pretty dumb. But following the live feeds (and reading that which we miss courtesy of the awesome people on Joker's Updates) allows us to get totally wrapped up in it, hanging on each day's events. Sure, there's plenty of other worthwhile stuff to do with one's summer, but you know, I really just needed a break. Sitting in air conditioning on a 95-degree day, watching those people bitch and act weird on the live feed, is a pretty good way to burn away a Sunday. And frankly, it's somewhat relaxing to watch people who have nothing to do but sleep late, lay in the sun all day, stay up late getting drunk, and then do it all over again.

So there's my confession. First of many I'm sure.


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