09 September 2005

3 Day Weekend

I finally decided to call my boss' bluff and put in for several days off this month. I have like 8 weeks of unused vacation, so there's days to burn. I enjoyed my three days over Labor Day so much (there's just something great about having 2 full days off and then realizing you have ONE MORE!), I gave myself 3 day weekends for the rest of the month. So I took today off, piddled around, plan to play golf tomorrow, and spend Sunday working on new steps for our deck. Add being able to stay up late and sleep in if I want, and this should be a groovy weekend.

So we have a new addition to our family--we adopted a 13-year-old beagle named Lady on Thursday. Her "people" are getting a divorce and can't keep her where they're moving. DW ran across her picture on a website while signing up to foster/adopt animals orphaned in the hurricane, totally unrelated to her original intent. But the idea of this poor little dog just being dumped in a shelter after 9 years with her family broke our heart. We weren't really planning on getting another dog so soon after Max's death, but we knew we would always be open to someone in need. So we met her Tuesday night, all went well, and they dropped her off on Thursday. It's been weird, since it's not like our other dogs and cats, scooped up off the street and grateful to be somewhere warm and safe--she had a good home with people she loved, but they bailed on her. So we keep reminding ourselves that for a while, she doesn't realize she's better off here, that no dog could wish for a more loving home (not bragging, just fact). But she's doing great so far, getting along terrific with Trixie and Lucy (Lucy's taken on the pack leader role since Max is gone, and she's being so good about it), has no problem with the cats even though she'd never lived with them before, and loves being able to roam in the yard off her leash and sniff everything. She's really sweet and cuddly, and I think she's going to fit in great. It does feel good to give a home to someone in need like that. We may still try to take in a kitty or two from the South if any become available. There's always room at this inn.

Speaking of the Katrina mess, which I have quite a bit on this blog, it's good to see that things are getting under control, at least most of the people in need are getting sheltered and fed, though the job is far from done. And the spinning and coverups begin--looks like "Brownie" might be made the scapegoat, though that's not nearly enough. I can't believe Bush has the nerve to say HE'LL lead the investigation. Not only is that so transparently corrupt, but it's laughable that he thinks he's qualified to do that.

I thought The Daily Show did a great job this week of finding the black humor in the situation without trivializing the disaster. I wondered how they would be able to be funny in light of what happened, but they didn't shy away from it, even the first night back. Not only did they find a way to do what they do, but they helped channel the rage and anger of those of us who couldn't believe the incompetence and indifference. "Meet the Fuckers" on Thursday night was great, although I felt a bit like they ripped off what I had been doing all week.

Looking forward to rest of my bottle of wine tonight and Bill Maher. The simplest pleasures are the best.


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