28 September 2005


Ugh. I suppose you'd call it blogger's block. Perhaps blogck. I just haven't had much that I felt like writing about lately. Sure, there's annoying stuff to be pissed about, and I would love to gloat about Tom DeLay being indicted today, but eh...

I set a high bar for myself starting this blog during the Katrina disaster. Not since the election have I been that outraged about anything. Plus it was wicked hot here, and blogging gave me another excuse to stay inside. The last week, it's been getting nicer and nicer here (finally!), so I've spent a lot of time working in the yard and getting real tired. And while I hate thinking that we've moved on, since everyone in the south is really not okay at all yet, it's hard to resist the general pull that says it's all under control. And clearly, getting outraged about it isn't changing much. I'd make a terrible activist, not enough follow through.

And really, I'm only posting tonight because I haven't, not because I have anything to say. And I wanted to push that social anxiety post further down the list--I felt a little weird about having that up knowing that my employees might look at this. I shouldn't, but I just do.

Anyway, Jon Stewart's on now, so I have better things to do. Maybe I'll actually have something to say tomorrow.


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