23 November 2005

Holy crap, it's f**king cold!

Now why do I feel it necessary to censor my title? Isn't that silly? I've never had a problem cursing freely within my posts. Watch--fuck fuck fuck fuck fucker fucker fucker fucker. But for some reason, it seems more offensive in the title. I guess that's what you call a "modicum of decorum".

But it is fucking cold out there. All of a sudden, here's winter. We had a decent fall, although once again, I got cheated out of a proper New England October. Last year, we were out in California for almost half of it, which was cool, but when we got back, all the leaves were down. This year, it stayed really warm through September, then just when it was starting to turn fallish, we had like 12 straight days of rain in October, just miserable, crappy weather, and then the leaves all started turning, and we got like maybe two weeks of real fall. Got a couple good rounds of golf in when the weather was absolutely perfect. Then it got a lot chillier last week, then it was like 70 again one day.

But I guess today was the end. Woke up early to let the dogs out, barely had my eyes open when I went to open the slider. I could hear Trixie getting all excited waiting for me to unlock the door, and when I looked up--SNOW on the ground. Just a dusting, but enough to snap me awake. Plus it was like 30 degrees out there on the porch. Yikes. I mean, I don't hate the winter like I do the 100-degree days in the summer, but I could do with more moderation. I think after all, I really do prefer San Francisco's weather. I kept thinking like I was really missing fall and winter being out there, but SF had the best part of that (the cool, clear days) without the really cold stuff and the snow. But whatever. Weather is weather.

What I'm actually most disappointed in, climate-wise, this year, is that I got very few good "porch days". Here's some insight to the things which I've learned to accept and embrace about myself, rather than questioning if it makes me neurotic or weird (thank you Zoloft). We have a cute little sunporch on the back of our house, just a little 4'x10' room with windows all around and a sliding door on one end. Till this spring, it was an uninsulated porch floor, but I covered it with ply and laminate flooring to help insulate a bit better. And I replaced the old swinging glass door with a really nice slider. But enough talking like Adam Carolla. Point is, we love that little porch. With all the windows open (screens on the windows), it's nice and breezy and comfortable for very short periods of time in the spring and the fall. Unfortunately, in the middle of the summer, it just gets too goddamn hot, even with the ceiling fan I added this year. But when it's right, it's a great place to just sit and be outside without getting bitten by bugs.

So anyway, last year, I happened to have several nearly perfect evenings where I would get home early, Diana would be working late, the weather was perfect, and I got to sit on the porch for like 2 hours, reading my New Yorker and Entertainment Weekly, having a couple beers or glasses of wine, playing the digital cable soul/disco station (reminds me of a station I listened to out in SF), just enjoying the nice weather, and I'd stay out there till it got too dark to keep reading. Well, so of course, I had it in my head that I had to get some more of those days this year, but it just never seemed to come together quite right. The spring flew by without many good days, and then it was summer and too godawful hot out there. I caught a couple good days, but not enough. Then poor Max had his bad time, and that took the fun out of everything. And then September stayed too warm, and then October floated away in the rain, and just when the weather was turning good, I had like one or two good days, but the crazy little beagle would drive me nuts barking and pacing, and then boom, clocks change and it's freaking dark at 5PM! I realize it's really selfish to complain about not having enough time to sit around drinking and reading, but it's just that when I got to have those days last year, it was so peaceful and grounding and relaxing, I just craved that sensation again, probably more so because it reminded me of Max being here, since he would flop down in the doorway and eyeball me to make sure he didn't miss out on any treats.

It's also really annoying when my shows go on vacation--no Daily Show this week, no new South Park tonight. Thank Dog for Tivo, there's always something to watch. We were just watching the Seinfeld cast on Regis (so annoying when those shows have interesting people on their show, and then barely allow them to talk, make the whole thing about the hosts). We haven't gotten any of the Seinfeld DVDs for ourselves, since we've seen every episode in reruns twice, but it might be worth it just for the outtakes. We laughed so hard watching just a couple minutes of bloopers. They really should make DVDs with just the extras--I mean, really, I don't need all the episodes on demand, but I really would like to see all the extra stuff.

Okay, so I just hit the wall where my stream of consciousness ran dry. I got distracted and went to update our Netflix queue, and now I'm not sure what else I was going to write down here. So I'm going to try something new and just stop and remember that I can always come back later. It's not like anyone is reading anyway.


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