Douchebag to Nowhere
It's been a while since I added anyone to my Hall of Douchebags. Just had to wait for the right one. But actually, this guy's been on my radar for while. Jon Stewart just helped bring it home last night.

Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska (need I say he's a Republican)--one of the biggest dicks in Congress (Jon called him a dick last night, but I thought so long before that). He seems to be the poster child for what's wrong with politicians. Forget about partisanship and people whose ideology I hate (talking about YOU, Rick Santorum)--this guy is just corrupt.
First of all, I heard about him in regards to the giant transportation bill they passed, which includes two huge pork projects for Alaska, including that infamous bridge to an island with 50 people living on it. In reality, the bridge goes across that island, and connects to another island with Ketchikan's airport on it. But even so, $250 million of our dollars for some ridiculous bridge in the middle of nowhere, when everyone seems just fine with a ferry, that's a bit out of hand.
Then, when Congress started talking about how to find money to fund Katrina reconstruction, he threw a tantrum. I wish I had video of him yelling "NO!" to the senators who proposed reallocating money from that transportation bill, including taking away from his bridge, to pay to rebuild New Orleans. He actually threatened to resign if they did that.
And then last night, I saw him chairing the committee hearing where Congress supposedly "grilled" the top 5 oil executives about why gas and oil are so expensive yet the oil companies have shown record profits. He refused to have them sworn in, like all other witnesses before Congress are, and when Barbara Boxer (who really kicks ass) motioned to have them sworn, he called her out of order and threw another little tantrum. Jon accurately called him "an assclown to the oil industry"--love it.
You can get a pretty good picture of what this guy's about from a summary of his voting record. He's probably not nearly as objectionable on ideological grounds as a lot of the other schmucks in there, but on the basis of being a giant crybaby who seems to be only interested in bringing federal money home to his state and specifically his family, he's definitely a douchebag.

Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska (need I say he's a Republican)--one of the biggest dicks in Congress (Jon called him a dick last night, but I thought so long before that). He seems to be the poster child for what's wrong with politicians. Forget about partisanship and people whose ideology I hate (talking about YOU, Rick Santorum)--this guy is just corrupt.
First of all, I heard about him in regards to the giant transportation bill they passed, which includes two huge pork projects for Alaska, including that infamous bridge to an island with 50 people living on it. In reality, the bridge goes across that island, and connects to another island with Ketchikan's airport on it. But even so, $250 million of our dollars for some ridiculous bridge in the middle of nowhere, when everyone seems just fine with a ferry, that's a bit out of hand.
Then, when Congress started talking about how to find money to fund Katrina reconstruction, he threw a tantrum. I wish I had video of him yelling "NO!" to the senators who proposed reallocating money from that transportation bill, including taking away from his bridge, to pay to rebuild New Orleans. He actually threatened to resign if they did that.
And then last night, I saw him chairing the committee hearing where Congress supposedly "grilled" the top 5 oil executives about why gas and oil are so expensive yet the oil companies have shown record profits. He refused to have them sworn in, like all other witnesses before Congress are, and when Barbara Boxer (who really kicks ass) motioned to have them sworn, he called her out of order and threw another little tantrum. Jon accurately called him "an assclown to the oil industry"--love it.
You can get a pretty good picture of what this guy's about from a summary of his voting record. He's probably not nearly as objectionable on ideological grounds as a lot of the other schmucks in there, but on the basis of being a giant crybaby who seems to be only interested in bringing federal money home to his state and specifically his family, he's definitely a douchebag.
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