30 October 2008

Could It Really Be Happening?

After we watched Barack's infomercial last night (it was predictable but well-done), Diana turned to me and said something like "I'm just starting to realize this might really be happening". There is still a bit of disbelief in me, despite everything I've been reading and seeing lately. Daily Kos's electoral projections have it as wide as 357-181 for our side, which is awesome. That assumes Indiana will not go our way (shame on you Indiana!) as well as North Carolina, and we have a decent chance of picking up one or the other. That DOES assume Florida and Ohio go our way, which is the trend at this point. But regardless, it does seem to be a done deal at this point. Early voting is overwhelmingly in our favor, and unless everyone becomes a racist in the booth next Tuesday, we should be good. I guess now we can stop looking into moving to New Zealand.

Two of the top executives at my company have separately told me in recent weeks that they've finally decided to vote for Barack, despite being long-time Republican supporters (both voted for W TWICE!). And it comes down to my favorite reason among many--the man is brilliant. He is one of the most intelligent public servants to cross the national stage in a long time, and he is far and away the best at communicating with people in a way that's both relatable and conveys that he knows what the hell he's talking about. All this nonsense about "elitism" seems to finally be crumbling as a valid political argument. Why would you NOT want a highly educated person who is more intelligent than 99% of the country making those critical decisions? Of course, I still hear ignorant cows in our cafeteria saying "I think I'm just going to flip a coin when I get in the booth". You should not be allowed to vote. In fact, I revoke your rights.

Speaking of stupid, this socialism argument is getting old fast. Did I miss something or did they take one comment Barack makes about "spreading the wealth" and turn that into an accusation of socialism? Hello, the government is all about spreading the wealth in one form or another. Unless you are a strict libertarian who would eliminate ALL taxation and stop the government from spending money on ANYTHING, you're spreading the wealth. I think most people are smart enough to see through that argument, although there's always someone to disprove that point. Some asshat was standing by the off-ramp today on my way to work holding up a sign that said "Socialism is Un-American: NOBAMA". He was wearing some sort of mask, not sure who he was supposed to be, besides a douche.

I got a little bit of that tingle last night watching the show. I feel a bit closer to Barack--I can identify with him being smarter than the class and having big ears that people made fun of. I got excited to think that there were enough like-minded people out there to make this happen. And I got a little scared (thanks to the Laraine side of my personality) that something awful is going to happen. You know there's those people out there, hopefully they won't be able to do any real harm. I do think that by winning this election, we're going to re-expose the ugliest aspects of this country, the color-haters who started to re-emerge last year during the immigration uproar. It has to be done, so they can be soundly beaten and chastized for being such dicks, but it'll be unpleasant for a while.

I felt weird this morning, and then I realized that it might be hope and optimism. It's going to take a while to get used to that.


At 01 November, 2008 00:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in awe of Barack Obama's ability to control his fear. He wants change and I think in the back of his mind he knows he is putting his life on the line for his country. What is happeing today is bigger than him and he knows it.

At 01 November, 2008 00:44, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indiana thinks of itself as the only Southern state North of the Mason-Dixon line which makes voting for a black man that much more difficult. Also, hobbits, elves, dwarves, and all the rest really don't exist so moving to New Zealand might not be as much fun as it first sounded.


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