
I am not a patient man. Ask my wife, it drives her nuts. It's extremely hard for me to wait for things, to take my time on projects, or generally just to sit still. Right now, it's worse than ever. It's quite a conundrum for me. On the one hand, I absolutely love October and am so glad it's finally here and want it to feel like it lasts forever. The cool days, chilly nights, changing colors, fantastic beer, I love all of it. However, I am VERY anxious for Election Day to come, partly because I want to know what happens and partly because I don't want too much time to allow for things to shift in the wrong direction. On top of that, I found out recently that the expansion for my beloved World of Warcraft is coming out on November 13th, which will bring me untold hours of gaming enjoyment for the next six months, so I can't wait for that. But if I allow myself to be impatient, this October will blow by in a flash and I won't even see it. So I'm doing my best to slow down, be patient, and enjoy each day. Any tips?
I didn't know you played WOW! Not interested in Warhammer? Kev and I are playing that right now. We felt the same about waiting for that to come out. Beta was fine, but the toons kept getting wiped when the decided to test something else out. I started to get frustrated with it. Now it's exciting because no wipes and lots of RvR! Woohoo!
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