14 September 2008

... Pants on Fire

I've been reading lots of good/disturbing stuff about how much of a big fat liar John McCain has become thanks to the Daily Kos RSS feed. Our dear friend Katia sent us some links to videos, one of which does a great job of highlighting all the lying and backpedaling. Enjoy this one.

Now some random thoughts for the day, since I love bullet lists.

  • I love how certain songs have the ability to take you back to moments that you otherwise might have forgotten. I heard Young Turks by Rod Stewart in the car today and it immediately reminded me of playing with my Lego Main Street set. Good times.
  • And I love how there are people who devote so much time to creating websites about random pointless stuff that I want to look up. The fact that there's a site devoted to cataloguing every single Lego set ever made is so awesome. My enjoyment of the internet is largely dependent on other people having nothing better to do.
  • Message to parents: Your kids are not automatically cute or enjoyable, especially when they're running around screaming in public places. It just makes people dislike them, not to mention you for being lazy parents. And while we're at it, the world does not revolve around them--don't make me wait for an extra five minutes in line at Dunkin Donuts because you think it's cute to let your kid try to order his own donut. If he's not ready to come right out and say it, don't torture him or the rest of us by making us all wait for him to finally say it.
  • Who the hell drives the speed limit, especially when it's 25 miles per hour??? If I get stuck behind another person going 25 on Pontiac Avenue, I'm going to scream. Seriously.
  • The new 90210 kind of sucks. It's no Gossip Girl, not nearly as much fun.
  • One good thing about Sarah Palin's selection is that it got Tina Fey on SNL this week. More Tina is always good.


At 17 September, 2008 02:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Daily Show has changed how people digest the news. They may have not been the first show to show conflicting soundbites back and forth, but they got hundreds of thousands of us looking for these contradictions. And its still hard to get people to believe. Somehow this type of reporting gets smeared as "partisan." How can the video record be "partisan?" P.S. Olberman(sp?) and Chris Matthews got canned for this type of stuff.


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