Sunday stuff

A few things that have been rattling around in my brain this weekend...
We made ourselves watch the speeches from the RNC Friday night and I'm sorry we made our Tivo hold such crap even for a couple days.
Sarah Palin's speech made me hate her even more--she was was bitchy and condescending and smug and entirely unlikable. I suppose I can see why Republicans think she did so well, but all she did was deliver a speech someone else wrote for her. Yes, she served the purpose they wanted, which is to appear as an ultra-conservative, Jesus-freak attack dog who barely concealed her racist disdain for Barack. Which is exactly why I now loathe her. I know it's somewhat awful, but I SO hope it turns out that the little baby Trig turns out to really be her daughter's (the one who is knocked up again). I mean, she took a 5-month leave from school last year right before the baby was born? Very curious.
Rudy Giuliani was even more reprehensible. Aside from the fact that he has absolutely no business being on the national scene, has zero qualifications for even having been IN the race before, and disagrees with the Republican Party on almost every major point of their platform, well, he was just a dick. Another smug, condescending asshat talking down on public service and dismissing us Democrats as pussies who wouldn't have responded to the terrorists the way he did (which pretty much amounted to walking in the street).
And John McCain. Did you know he was a POW in Vietnam? I had no idea until the 20-minute video that described it and then the entire second half of his tedious speech. I used to actually respect the guy, but he's clearly decided he's willing to compromise on every ideal he's ever stood up for, and is even willing to use his own worst experience to whore himself to the idiot flag-wavers just to get elected. His imprisonment is a reason to respect him as a man, but it's not a reason to elect him President, and certainly not some obligation we owe him like they would have you believe. Aside from that, I found him boring and uninspiring and completely Bush-y.
As a whole, their convention was a lot of blowhard dick-waving. They keep trying to fool us into thinking they're the party of the "common man", the "small-town" folks, when their main interest is keeping tax cuts for people who make more than half a million dollars a year and making sure corporations can keep giving the country the shaft. They hide behind the flag and pseudo-patriotic posturing, when in fact for the last eight years, they have shown a complete lack of respect for the military and what it should be used for.
Speaking of which, it pissed me off to hear that Sarah Palin's son is deploying to Iraq on September 11th. The fact that the Army and/or government is STILL trying to associate 9/11 with this completely unrelated and pointless war in Iraq is ridiculous. Do they think we've forgotten how many times it's been proven that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11? Is it now acceptable to use a true tragedy to try selling this boondoggle to us? I guess so, since they humped 9/11 everywhere they could during the convention. I guess they think our memories are so short that we'll now assume that if the troops deploy on 9/11, it must be somehow connected. I just wish Barack or Joe would call them out on that nonsense.
Can't wait for my Obama yard sign and car stickers to arrive this week. I'm ready to start arguing with people for the next two months till we win.
You're a lot more patient than I for having watched the RNC... I had trouble just watching Jon's recaps of it!
Certainly people are seeing how mean these folks are, no?
Keep at it!
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