Now Where Was I?
Oh yeah, I was about to start posting here again. As most things do, it took a bit of time for me to actually get started. Inertia is a powerful thing. I'm still not sure what I want out of this, but I do miss having an outlet for my thoughts, so I'm giving it another shot. There's plenty of stuff going on for me to vent or rave about, especially with the election coming up. I'll either be ecstatically gloating or planning our move to Canada--you can guess which outcome would be which.
My hope is that this blog will be able to entertain you at least once a week. A weekly chuckle is all I hope for. Or maybe an "awww" at a gratuitous cute dog picture like this...

Oh, this is one of my latest obsessions, once again two years late to the game. Lolcats and Loldogs are silly pictures of people's pets with captions written mostly in Lolspeak, and I laugh my ass off daily at the new ones I get. Click through Trixie's picture if you're curious.
Our critters are all doing pretty well. Poor Lucy has a partial rupture of her ACL, but the doc says she'll probably heal without surgery. Aside from a little limping, she seems fine. The other dogs are all doing well, and we've had plenty of boarders over the last few months, so there's always something funny going on with them. Three of the cats are currently locked up in one of the guestrooms while we retrain them on how to use the litter boxes and get the house de-peed. They're not too thrilled about it, but it needs to be done, and it's nice for us to get the rest of our house back. Reva is the lone free kitty, partly due to her being a superstar--she was chosen to be featured in the Mutts comic's new Shelter Stories book.
I'm still hopelessly addicted to World of Warcraft, and I'm perfectly okay with that. I've been playing for almost two years now, and have been in a really cool, somewhat elite raiding guild for 6 months or so. It's a really fun group of people to play with, and I'm kind of proud of the fact that I've actually become a pretty damn good player. Diana's been very cool about letting me have this hobby, largely because I can play on my laptop in bed and so it doesn't really take me away from time together. But I'm rationing my time and not letting it take over completely.
Over the next few weeks, I'll share some more stuff I've been preoccupied with. If you stop by here, please leave a comment and let me know so I feel like I'm not just talking to myself.
My hope is that this blog will be able to entertain you at least once a week. A weekly chuckle is all I hope for. Or maybe an "awww" at a gratuitous cute dog picture like this...

Oh, this is one of my latest obsessions, once again two years late to the game. Lolcats and Loldogs are silly pictures of people's pets with captions written mostly in Lolspeak, and I laugh my ass off daily at the new ones I get. Click through Trixie's picture if you're curious.
Our critters are all doing pretty well. Poor Lucy has a partial rupture of her ACL, but the doc says she'll probably heal without surgery. Aside from a little limping, she seems fine. The other dogs are all doing well, and we've had plenty of boarders over the last few months, so there's always something funny going on with them. Three of the cats are currently locked up in one of the guestrooms while we retrain them on how to use the litter boxes and get the house de-peed. They're not too thrilled about it, but it needs to be done, and it's nice for us to get the rest of our house back. Reva is the lone free kitty, partly due to her being a superstar--she was chosen to be featured in the Mutts comic's new Shelter Stories book.
I'm still hopelessly addicted to World of Warcraft, and I'm perfectly okay with that. I've been playing for almost two years now, and have been in a really cool, somewhat elite raiding guild for 6 months or so. It's a really fun group of people to play with, and I'm kind of proud of the fact that I've actually become a pretty damn good player. Diana's been very cool about letting me have this hobby, largely because I can play on my laptop in bed and so it doesn't really take me away from time together. But I'm rationing my time and not letting it take over completely.
Over the next few weeks, I'll share some more stuff I've been preoccupied with. If you stop by here, please leave a comment and let me know so I feel like I'm not just talking to myself.
Re: pic. conrad likes to sleep on the remote and try to make it hatch!
Now, this election season, I shall watch Jon, listen to NPR and read: BLATHERAMAAAA!
Welcome back MLP.
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