Our country is broken

Apparently, House rules forbid "demonstrations" in the gallery. Fair enough, how are they supposed to get any business done with people demonstrating and yelling and stuff. But guess, she wasn't "demonstrating"--she was sitting there wearing a t-shirt asking her president how many more men had to die like her son. She didn't yell or cause trouble. Some jackbooted security thug decided that you aren't allowed to disagree with the government in the seat of government, so they muscled her out. She wasn't the only one--Beverly Young, wife of Representative Bill Young, an 18-year veteran of the House AND a Republican, was asked to leave during the speech because she wore a shirt that said "Support the Troops Defending Our Freedom." Apparently, she was a threat to the groupthink going on there, even though she actually DOES support the troops and was in no way protesting. At least her husband had the stones to get pissed about it.
It's really scary that we're not allowed to disagree with the president and his cronies. We're about halfway down that slippery slope and gaining speed. I think while I still can, I better say a few things here...
George Bush is an incompetent idiot. George Bush is a criminal. George Bush should be impeached. The people who work for George Bush who have enacted his policies should be fired and publicly disgraced.
Of course, I'm probably being surveiled right now. You never know, this might be a secret communication with al Qaeda.
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