It's damn cold here. Hard to get the chill out of your bones. Fortunately for all of us, I am man! I bring fire! Actually, there really is something viscerally satisfying about knowing how to light a good fire. I've definitely gotten the hang of it this year, and that cast-iron fireback we added really amps up the heat. This evening Diana and Trixie and Lucy got nice and toasty in just a few minutes in front of it. Alas, it's downstairs, and our warm, cozy bed is upstairs, so we only get to enjoy it for a little bit. But it's still worth it to see the dogs go over one by one and park their little butts in front of the fire and get all warm and happy.
You know, every time I think I feel like blogging, I start writing on here, and then I lose interest. I really don't think anybody's reading this, and if they are, they don't bother commenting, so I'm not going to worry too much about posting unless I really really feel like it.
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