20 September 2008

OMG, Get Out of My Head!

This is mainly for Katia, since she's not fortunate enough to be able to watch Bill Maher's show. But it's a point worth hearing for everybody. It's something I've been thinking myself for some time, but Bill says it better than I've ever been able to. And Andrew Sullivan makes a great point about what the President's job is supposed to be and why ours has failed completely.

As tragic as the deaths of the 9/11 victims are, they are NO MORE tragic than those of the people who died in that train wreck or in that hurricane, or even the people who died this past weekend thanks to auto accidents. Every unnatural death is tragic in its own way. The fact that 3000 of them happened at once on a single day 7 years ago does not justify a war or the suspension of our liberties or the wasting of our country's money. It's an excuse used by this administration to seize unprecedented power by preying on the basest fears of common people, dying in some awful unexpected way. The fact is, any single one of us is no more in danger after 9/11 than we were before. The odds of us dying in a car accident or a natural disaster or from slipping in the shower are thousands and thousands of times greater than dying in a terrorist attack, and personally, it offends me for the country to spend a single dime trying to stop some attack that will probably never happen, and even if it did, can probably never be stopped. I'll take my chances, I've got to go some way.

And while I'm on the subject and potentially sounding a little dickish, my sympathy for those stuck in the hurricane is waning a bit. Here's the thing--the people in Galveston and thereabouts had ample warning to get the fuck out or face "certain death" (the words of the Weather Service). Those who chose to stay behind, in my eyes, have no right to whine and complain about FEMA's lack of response, and frankly, I don't want my tax dollars being spent rescuing people from flooded houses who knew they were going to be flooded but didn't leave. If you're told to evacuate and you live by the ocean when a big giant storm is coming, GET THE FUCK OUT. Period. I don't believe there was any lack of opportunity for people to evacuate or BE evacuated. Those that chose to stay behind because they refuse to abandon their home are just stupid and deserve what they got. It's like the idiots who keep building homes on the cliffs in Malibu even though the fires come and the mudslides wash them into the ocean. MOVE STUPID!

Okay, I'm good now.


At 23 September, 2008 10:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot thank you enough for
a. posting the video for me--I do wish we could have Bill on a weekly basis, and
b. for saying what many of us think but don't have a platform from which to say it...

Sadly, I'm starting to believe that we are the terrorist. It is far easier to control the masses when they are consumed by fear, and therefore are willing to hand over our civil liberties, only giving the “powerful” more influence.

Why we have not had a bloody revolution in our country I do not know—because as we see, elections don’t seem to work.

Keep up the good fight, and give your wife a hug for me, and pet all the critters behind the ears too.

“Good night and good luck”



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