24 October 2008

Fucking Hypocrite

The latest way in which Sarah Palin has offended my intelligence and sense of fairness:

When asked Thursday night by NBC television presenter Brian Williams whether an abortion clinic bomber was a terrorist, Palin heaved a sigh and, at first, circumvented the question.

"There's no question that Bill Ayers by his own admittance was one who sought to destroy our US Capitol and our Pentagon. That is a domestic terrorist," Palin said, referring to a 1960s leftist who founded a radical violent gang dubbed the "Weathermen" -- and who years later supported Obama's first run for public office in the state of Illinois.

"Now, others who would want to engage in harming innocent Americans or facilities that it would be unacceptable to... I don't know if you're gonna use the word 'terrorist' there," the ardently pro-life running mate of John McCain said.

What this bitch "don't know" could fill a football stadium. "Unmitigated gall", that's the phrase that comes to mind with her. I kind of wish I could punch her in the mouth.


At 29 October, 2008 12:20, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was the fruit fly comment that sent me over the edge-- i'm amazed daily at her ignorance

At 29 October, 2008 12:43, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael, you don't know me But K sends me your blather periodically to make me laugh and cry or both! I love your blog, and you certainly have coined some expressions that are gems and in current circulation among the family now, like "asshat" for one!
Keep it up and my best regards


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