Sorry I've been away for a while. I guess I've been riding a wave of elation after we finally won. Not to mention the fact that since the 13th, I've been neck-deep in the greatest videogame event since Asteroids hit the Atari 2600--the World of Warcraft expansion Wrath of the Lich King. Yes, I am that big of a nerd. I am completely and happily addicted to this fantastic game, and after a long wait, we've got a ton of new quests to complete, levels to gain and areas to explore. Sadly, it's going a lot quicker than I'd expected, but the beauty and genius of this game is that there's an almost infinite amount of things to do.
See, that's my main character (unsurprisingly named Jarviswabi) with one of my pets. I play a Hunter as my main class, which may seem counter-intuitive at first given my love of animals, but what it means is that I tame wild beasts to be my companions and gain my greatest powers from training those animals. Aside from the usual videogame mechanics, the best part of the game is the social aspect. I play online with thousands of other people from around the world (actually millions if you want to get technical), and the people in my guild (the one I play with most frequently) are a great bunch of people. What we do involves a whole level of organization and teamwork beyond your typical gaming experience and has been an extremely challenging and rewarding venture for me.
So that's why I haven't been blogging much lately, I've been indulging my nerdiest impulses (with the gracious blessing and indulgence of my wife). I'm sure there will be plenty to piss me off in the days ahead and I'll be back to ranting like a maniac again soon.

So that's why I haven't been blogging much lately, I've been indulging my nerdiest impulses (with the gracious blessing and indulgence of my wife). I'm sure there will be plenty to piss me off in the days ahead and I'll be back to ranting like a maniac again soon.